If you are familiar with PHP, where you can use the in_array() function to search value in the Array, and it returns the Boolean value ( TRUE or FALSE ) to Check if values are exists in Array.
There are inbuilt methods in jQuery and JavaScript that return the index position of the value which you can use for the search.
- how you can check whether an Array already contains a specific value or not.
- This requires within the program in some cases like-
- Stop new value from insert if it already exists in an Array.
- Execute script when the Array contains the particular value.
Methods used to Check if values are exists in Array:
- Loop
- indexOf()
- inArray()
- First start with a loop.
- You can easily find the value within an Array by traversing on the Array and check for the value.
Completed Code
<script type='text/javascript'> varnames_arr = ['sonarika','yogesh','sumit','sonarika','vijay','anil']; functioncheckValue(value,arr){ var status = 'Not exist'; for(vari=0; i<arr.length; i++){ var name = arr[i]; if(name == value){ status = 'Exist'; break; } } return status; } console.log('status : ' + checkValue('sonarika', names_arr) ); console.log('status : ' + checkValue('mayank', names_arr) ); </script>
status : Exist status : Not exist
For making your searching process simpler you can use jQuery and JavaScript inbuilt function to Check if values are exists in Array
- It is a JavaScript method that returns the index position of the value. If it doesn’t find the value then it returns -1.
- It works both with string and an Array.
value-from-which-search.indexOf( search-value );
Completed Code:
<script type='text/javascript'> varnames_arr = ['sonarika','yogesh','sumit','vijay','anil']; var text = "SonarikaBhadoria"; // Search in Array console.log( 'Index : ' + names_arr.indexOf('sumit') ); console.log( 'Index : ' + names_arr.indexOf('vishal') ); // Search in String console.log( 'Index : ' + text.indexOf('a') ); </script>
Index : 2 Index : -1 Index : 3
- It is a jQuery function that returns the index position of the value when it finds the value otherwise -1.
- It also works with string and an Array.
jQuery.inArray( search-value, value-from-which-search);
<script type='text/javascript'> varnames_arr = ['sonarika','yogesh','sumit','vijay','anil']; var text = "Yogesh singh"; // Searching in Array console.log( 'Index : ' + jQuery.inArray('sumit', names_arr) ); console.log( 'Index : ' + jQuery.inArray('vishal', names_arr )); // Searching in String variable console.log( 'Index : ' + jQuery.inArray( "e", text )); </script>
Index : 2 Index : -1 Index : 3
- Some of the methods which you can use to search your value in the existing Array. Using this you can remove or replace the duplicate values.
- If you are using jQuery within your project then you can simply go with inArray() method otherwise you can indexOf() method.
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